About Diane Herth
I began my holistic journey into FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE* by default, as a parent seeking personal knowledge and the best pro-active, health care practices for my children and myself. I was a frustrated patient looking for the ROOT CAUSE of my constant exhaustion, overall aches & pain, brain fog and digestive issues, rather than pharmaceutical prescriptions to treat the symptoms.
*Functional Medicine looks at the whole body as an interconnected web rather than separate systems. |
My personal research led me to an Internist turned Functional Medicine physician and a nurse practitioner who discovered I had severe gut health issues, as well as Lyme Disease. Their wealth of knowledge, and our time commitment together, ultimately turned my health around. This profound change led me to want to share FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE with others. Today I am pain-free, joy-filled, grateful and healthier than I have been in 20 years. I feel great and have more energy than ever, simply by becoming attuned to my body and nurturing my WHOLE HEALTH.
In 2017, I changed my career path from retail marketing and began my two year certification at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition with focused studies on the microbiome (gut health), and then continued at the Summers School of Yin Yoga and Meditation becoming certified in Yin Yoga, Meditation and Chinese Meridians. As a Functional Medicine Practitioner I am a certified Integrated Nutrition Health Coach with a focus on Gut Health (the Microbiome) and Inflammation, as well as teach the healing and nurturing practice of Yin Yoga and Meditation.
My personal experience as a patient and my extensive Functional Medicine training gives me a UNIQUE and EMPATHETIC perspective coaching clients. Trained with the world's top health and wellness experts I coach clients through their goal setting, learning lifestyle management and help them sift through the many confusing dietary theories - Mediterranean, vegan, Paleo, Pegan, low FODMAP, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free and everything in between, and find the one that fits you best. We address navigating restaurants and eating at others' homes rather than avoiding these important social moments. As a client, together we would assess what is best for your unique body incorporating daily movement, eating whole (real) food, emotional and spiritual health improvements, as well as prioritizing rest. During a four-month program you will reduce chronic inflammation, improve immunity, gain energy and lower elevated blood levels, as well as weight if that is desired.
My personal experience as a patient and my extensive Functional Medicine training gives me a UNIQUE and EMPATHETIC perspective coaching clients. Trained with the world's top health and wellness experts I coach clients through their goal setting, learning lifestyle management and help them sift through the many confusing dietary theories - Mediterranean, vegan, Paleo, Pegan, low FODMAP, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free and everything in between, and find the one that fits you best. We address navigating restaurants and eating at others' homes rather than avoiding these important social moments. As a client, together we would assess what is best for your unique body incorporating daily movement, eating whole (real) food, emotional and spiritual health improvements, as well as prioritizing rest. During a four-month program you will reduce chronic inflammation, improve immunity, gain energy and lower elevated blood levels, as well as weight if that is desired.
I have always been an advocate for people struggling. I LOVE helping people and feel the purpose of my TWO decade journey was to be able to help others rediscover their health, happiness, and peace.
I look forward to COACHING WHOLE HEALTH with you.
* Bio-IINdividuality, Integrative Nutrition and Institute for Integrative Nutrition are trademarks owned by Integrative Nutrition Inc.
† © 2005 Integrative Nutrition Inc. (used with permission) †† © 2007 Integrative Nutrition Inc. (used with permission)
† © 2005 Integrative Nutrition Inc. (used with permission) †† © 2007 Integrative Nutrition Inc. (used with permission)